Analog photo series on inspiring motels in British Columbia, Canada. Shot on 35mm color film during a road trip.
Braemblokken, Kiel (Antwerpen) – Architectuur
Architecture | Personal work - reportage photography | Reportages
De Braemblokken (‘1954, Renaet Braem) De bewoners in beeld:fotoreportage ‘Groeten uit de Braemblokken’
Radio Minerva
Personal work - reportage photography | Reportages
Gedurende enkele weken was ik te gast bij de charmante programmamakers van de Antwerpse seniorenzender Radio Minerva. Ik kreeg er de kans hen te portretteren in en naast de studio.
Impressions of Bosnia
This Bosnia Herzegovina photostory illustrates how I perceived the beauty and diversity of nature and everyday life in this wonderful country. The photography reportage focuses on several aspects of life in Bosnia: its touristic potential, the presence of faith and … Read More
Life on the road
Personal work - reportage photography
Jelle & Ana’s Hymer adventure Life on the road Young couple Jelle & Ana took a vintage Hymer campervan on a year long road trip which took them from Belgium to Portugal, Morocco and back.